whether at night or whenever

We will provide security
all 24 hours

We will provide security
all 24 hours

The small details
we pay attention for

The small details we pay attention for

Because everyone in your family is in our care.Therefore, we will take care and keep every family safe in everyday. So you can be ensured that every family will be taken care of.

working 24/7

Any transport
must be registered before passing

Specialized legal entity
and ready to serve you wholeheartedly

working 24/7

Any transport
must be registered before passing

Specialized legal entity
and ready to serve you wholeheartedly

CCTV security around the project.

Enter and exit the project with a contactless system.

Visitors must exchange their entry-exit cards.

Whether day or night, security for our residents it is still strict by using new technology to help manage security of the house project.

Rules and regulations for entering and exiting the house project

Rules and regulations
for entering and exiting the house project

In order to maintain for order and security as importance, “outsiders” and “vehicles” without a SINTHANEE PASS pass of entering and exiting the house project must comply with the following:

1. Must exchange a pass to enter the project by using an identification card issued by the government.
2. Inform the location need to be contacted so that the security guards will be able to contact such place.
3. Outsiders who contact to see the resident in the event that the resident is not present, are not allowed to wait in front of the resident's house.
4. Exchange the stamped card to the security guard to receive the I.D. card back.
5. Open the back of the vehicle for the security guards to check both inbound and outbound. If there is something to be taken out of the house project, there must be a permit to take it out, or the security guard will contact and check with the place to be taken out.

If not comply,

Those who do not comply with such regulations, the company reserves the right to
It is not allowed to enter and exit the project area strictly.